Sunday, 28 December 2014

The streets get way stranger each time I step out

Acne and bushy eyebrows are not the typical sexy girl trade-mark. That's why I am convinced some people have got their eyes turned inside out. The definition of sexy as by my-too-obvious google search include; alluring, provocative, and sensual. My favorite one is toothsome; I just think of my weird faces. Puleeease! The idea of someone looking at me and the first word that beams in his head is alluring seems far-fetched. Honestly, most times I don't like looking at myself in the mirror. It's boring. But today everyone kept staring at me, according to my mom. I don't know what the deal was. As far as I know, I had nothing on my face (oh, except the ever annoying acne). Urgh!

The worst thing is to get compliments from someone you would try so much to avoid e.g. a drunk guy, those mentally ill guys that walk around pointing to imaginary stuff. Yah I haven't been spared by them. One of them had walked up to me and said, I know you, we met in Mombasa and we had a lot of fun. Worst thing, my mom was with me. None of it were true coz I haven't been to the coast in like 1O years!! Bloody hell. I just rolled my eyes and gave him a death stare which he took seriously and walked away.

Last year I was attacked by some two goons. They were both high and they wanted to snatch my bag. The whole incident was messy so I'll spare the scary and exhausting details. I remember pulling one of them off the boy who had tried defending me. He flew across the road and into the ditch while I tried to save my friend from an oncoming bus. I ended up breaking down when I saw that they were not going to stop, even with my mother's pleas. As soon as my eyelashes were soaking in tears I got their attention. Tables turned, they begged me to stop crying. One actually implored and occasionally grabbed my shoulders and spoke sternly. So I made myself stop and thankfully I didn't lose my bag.
Sometimes I dread walking to the shops. I might meet another stranger and end up losing my cool. Bad luck or just plain bad aura, the streets just get stranger each time. That's a little part of my life.

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