Friday, 14 November 2014

Villains are the New Heroes

I am one crazy girl when something goes wrong. I find myself running away from the good and facing the bad. Talk about a weird life. I  fiercely defend those that are close to me. Who ever knew how human beings operate. Someone like Hitler loved his dogs and hated Jews, his fellow human beings. If I were alive that time I would have probably preferred to be a dog. I once dreamt that some old woman had killed my cat. All common senses were shut down immediately as I avenged my cat in a bloody brawl.

Can someone love me that way? If my cat would stab someone for me then I would know cats are better than dogs. What the heck am I even talking about!

I am the girl that farts in front of the boy that she likes. I don't know how I'll end up having the best people from my worst behaviour. Girls aren't that excited about the idea of having a neurotic half psycho as a friend. Me neither. But the fear draws some close to me. I thrill, I hurt and love at the same time. I bite and kiss thereafter. It would make sense if someone wouldn't want to stick around me. My bloodsuckers are sure to do good work of tearing up their hearts and exposing their little scared-y souls. Okay I sound crazy. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜

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